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Journey's End Page 12

  Gabrielle watched me and with that last question, I could see the light of understanding flicker hopefully in her eyes.

  “I belong to you?” she asked rather than answered.

  “That’s right, Gabrielle,” I smiled at last. I pulled her to me and kissed the top of that blonde head. “You belong to me.”

  I saw the change in her eyes immediately and I could tell that she understood my choice of words. I didn’t say that I owned her, which would have instantly relegated our relationship to that of master and slave. I told her that she belonged to me. I didn’t mean as simply a prized possession, and I think she understood that. I was telling her that her heart was mine, just as I felt mine had become hers.

  “But, am I not still a slave, My Lord?”

  Well, she had me with that one. How could I ever tell Gabrielle that I desired for nothing better than to free her. How could I explain the terror I felt, knowing that the first thing she would do, would be to leave? Therefore, I kept my silence about that, trying to build a relationship when even I knew I had an unfair advantage. I couldn’t release that last bit of control.

  “Gabrielle, you have a station and a rank in this palace, whether you are aware of it or not. You are a slave, yes, but being my personal slave, you rank above all others in this palace. For when it comes to trust, I place more in you, than I would in all my advisors combined.”

  Her eyes showed their surprise as I continued. “Because of this, Gabrielle, you have the right to protect yourself from any who would try to touch what is mine. You need to know that no man will ever punish you for obeying me, little one. The next time someone... anyone makes advances... touches you in any way, I want you to scream, kick, fight, anything you need to do to get my attention. Then I’ll deal with the situation. Do you understand, Gabrielle?”

  Her head was lowered and I tilted her chin to look into her face. Her green eyes did that usual trick of looking anywhere but within my own.

  “Do you understand, little one?” I asked again, more gently this time.

  “I--I believe so, My Lord, but I--” Gabrielle stammered.

  “But what, Gabrielle?”

  “I--I don’t know how, My Lord.” She answered in a voice so low, it was barely a whisper.

  I saw her eyes filling with tears and as usual, they tore at my heart. I could feel each one that fell from her eyes as a dagger piercing into my chest. I pulled her into an embrace and brushed the tears away, holding her in my arms for a few heartbeats before speaking again.

  “Gabrielle, I know there are things that are difficult for you because of the life that you’ve been forced to lead, but there are things that you must learn if you are to be my--if you are to be with me.”

  I quickly changed direction with that last bit. I didn’t want to say slave, yet I couldn’t really say consort now, could I? I held her against me for a few moments more and released her.

  “Would you like me to teach you what I expect from you, should an episode like tonight’s happen again?”

  She nodded her head quickly. “Yes, My Lord.”

  “Let’s begin, then.” I said with a smile, our dinner forgotten.

  * * *

  “Okay, are you ready to test all this out for real?” I asked Gabrielle.

  Three candlemarks sped by as I taught my young slave what aggression was. I came to realize that it wasn’t simply the fact that Gabrielle lived as a submissive slave for so long, that caused her to be so unwilling to shove back when pushed. I found that passivity seemed to be in the girl’s very nature. She always wanted to see the good side of the people who would do her wrong. I finally had to tell her, to let Hades do his job and evaluate people’s lives at the end of their mortal journey, her job was to think about herself.

  We walked outside and I purposely went out by the practice field where rows of tents had already been erected for the soldiers to live in, while their barracks were commandeered for the villagers. I explained to Gabrielle that I would be in the shadows and that if I felt it was going badly, I would intervene. She smiled bravely, but I could see her lower lip quivering slightly.

  “You can do this, Gabrielle.”

  She gave me a weak smile and walked onto the path. It wasn’t long before a soldier walked by and whistled at her as he passed. When she showed no interest and bowed her head, he thought he had an easy mark. Why must all men be so full of themselves? I asked myself. He turned and came back to her and the next thing I knew Gabrielle was in his hold, but it seemed she just forgot everything I taught her. It took two heartbeats for me to get to her side and have my fist connect with the soldier’s temple. He laid on the ground unmoving and I checked to make sure he was still breathing... I hadn’t meant to hit him that hard, but seeing him lay a hand on Gabrielle, Gods, I lost my composure completely.

  “Gabrielle.” It was all I could say, but when I looked up at the girl, she looked terrified. I was just beginning to think I should simply scrap all of this and let the girl be whatever way she felt most comfortable. I felt no better than the soldier, lying on the grass, for making her do this. That’s when she spoke.

  “I--I’m so afraid, My Lord.”

  “Gabrielle,” I said again, pulling her into my arms. She was trembling and I squeezed her tightly against me, stroking her hair until she calmed somewhat.

  “Little one, don’t you know that everyone feels fear?” I questioned.

  “Not you, My Lord.” She replied and I couldn’t keep from smiling slightly.

  “Everyone, Gabrielle, even me. Only fools and children feel no fear. They have the Gods to watch out for them, but us ordinary mortals need fear, it protects us from ourselves. It tells you when not to enter an impossible situation. There are times, however, when you have to push yourself beyond that fear, when you need to test its limits to see what really is possible.” I explained.

  “And you, My Lord?” Gabrielle asked.

  “Do you think that when I rush into battle, I feel no fear? Like I said before, everyone feels it, especially me. Perhaps that’s what makes me a better warrior than most, because I feel it enough for ten men. It’s that fear that causes me to try harder, to be stronger, and smarter. It’s my fear of losing what I have that spurs me on to do the things I do.”

  “But you never look afraid.” Gabrielle commented, pondering what I was telling her.

  “That is the key, the very secret of my life, Gabrielle, and I share it with you alone.” I replied, watching as a small smile fell upon her lips. She understood what it meant to learn of an adversary’s vulnerability, she also knew the amount of trust required to reveal such vulnerabilities willingly.

  “Fear is a good thing, always remember that, little one, yet the secret behind it, is to embrace the fear, and to never let your opponent see that it exists within you. If you can do that, you’ve already won. I can guarantee that if you give a look as cold as ice to a man, then use the little move I taught you, while screaming your pretty head off... he’ll likely drop in his tracks. Or at least be stunned until I can reach you.” I smiled.

  “Now, want to try this again?” I asked.

  “Yes, My Lord,” Gabrielle nodded her head and I saw her teeth clench together as she steeled herself against the fear. Gods, the girl was going to be something someday.

  Once again, we walked along the path that led to the stables, me in the shadows and Gabrielle in the light from the waning moon, waiting for what seemed like eternity, and once more, a young soldier met up with the beautiful young slave. Only problem was this one was polite. Gods, what’s wrong with the man? I asked myself as he politely left Gabrielle with an admonishment not to be out without an escort.

  I stepped from the darkness and surprised the young man and Gabrielle both. I grabbed him by the neck and drug him back in front of Gabrielle.

  “Kiss her.” I ordered.

  The soldier looked at me as if I’d lost my mind and then he thought about who I was. I was sure he was remembering some soldier’s sto
ry about my odd public displays of sex, so he decided to be brave and gently reached over to kiss my young slave.

  I batted him away and grabbed him by the neck again. “Not like that man, who do you think she is, my sister? She’s a wench, so get over there and take it from her like you’ve got a pair!” I bellowed.

  That seemed to get him going. I prepared myself to yank him away from Gabrielle, but to my pleasure and great surprise, the small blonde took every lesson I taught her to heart. Once the man laid a hand on her arm, Gabrielle shouted at the top of her lungs.

  “NO! She cried out.

  The soldier wasn’t prepared for that and loosened his hold enough for Gabrielle to bring her knee up hard between the man’s legs. I groaned in sympathy for the poor boy, as Gabrielle pushed him away and he sunk easily to the ground, clutching what was left of his manhood.

  I was already on my way into the fray as the soldier fell to the ground. I pulled Gabrielle away and held her against me, feeling the rapid beat of her heart and watching as her chest rose and fell, as she took deep breaths of air. When she looked up at me, I kissed her.

  “Brilliant!” I smiled. That’s when I saw it.

  Her eyes were lit with a fire that had never been there before, at least not in my presence. They looked like two glowing emeralds and I felt a rush of arousal at the thought that this young woman might someday bring that look into our bed. I kissed her again and bent down to attend to the young man who was just beginning to feel the ground underneath him again. I helped him to his feet and slapped him on the back.

  “Good man, dismissed. Can you walk okay?” I asked.

  “Yes, Lord Conqueror.” He groaned in reply, limping away, but not before I saw the look on his face that told me, he indeed thought the Conqueror had finally lost her mind.

  * * *

  “You had best eat something.” I said, looking down at the now cold stew. “Here, at least have a little of the bread and cheese.”

  “I think... I feel more tired, than hungry, My Lord.” Gabrielle answered softly.

  “Me too,” I grinned. “We’ve had an exciting day.” I add, opening my arms to allow the young woman to step into my embrace. “But I think right now I would like nothing more than a good night’s sleep.”

  “Do you wish me to leave you for the night, My Lord?” Gabrielle murmured against my chest. I was encouraged because it didn’t sound like she relished the idea any more than I did.

  “No, little one. We talked of this already, do you remember? Your rooms are your own for your personal time and possessions, but I wish for you to spend your nights here. Why, do you find it hard to sleep in my bed?” I added quickly, a touch of my own insecurity showing through.

  “No, My Lord. I sleep very well in your bed. I--I’m only fearful that... I sleep so sound when you are near to me. I fear that I will not--I will not awaken easily when you have a need for me.

  I smiled slightly at Gabrielle’s unfounded fear. “Have no fear, Gabrielle. If I have need of you in the middle of the night, trust me, I won’t let you sleep through it.” I let a crooked smile indicate that I was teasing and that her fear was unnecessary.

  “I think it is security.” I said after a few moments, when I really wanted to say that it was about trust. I felt just as safe and slept soundly only after I knew Gabrielle was lying by my side at night.

  We settled ourselves for sleep and I encouraged my young slave to lie by me so I might wrap my arms around her. Another habit I was developing. Whether it was a bad habit or not, I knew only time would tell. I could tell Gabrielle was tired, her breathing growing deep and steady in a matter of moments, her face tucked snugly under my chin, her soft cheek resting against my chest.

  “Gabrielle?” I questioned softly.

  “Yes, My Lord?” A tired voice answered back.

  “Do you feel... safe when you are here with me?” I asked.

  “Yes, My Lord, very much so.”

  I reached down slightly to place a light kiss on the top of the soft blonde hair. “I hope that will always be so, little one.” I answered, unsure if Gabrielle heard me, or if she already succumbed to Morpheus’ call.

  * * *

  I rose before the sun, as was my custom, and I left Gabrielle sleeping soundly in our bed. When I extricated myself from her arms, I moved a pillow into the warm spot my body vacated. The young woman wrapped her arms around the softness and I thought I heard a contented sigh escape her lips.

  I crossed the hall to Gabrielle’s rooms, to see if Delia was able to complete the requested task. I should have known the older woman would not have failed me. The small sitting couch was gone, but in it’s place, next to the window, was a small ornate desk, the kind that one might find in a lady’s sitting room. Beside the desk was a large shelf filled with scrolls and atop the shelf were some wooden, hinged boxes. Taking a peek, I found out they held quills and ink.

  I left the room with a smile on my face, wondering how my slave would feel about her dream becoming a reality.

  “Good morning, Gabrielle,” Sylla called to the small blonde.

  I could see through the partially open door of my bathing area, that Gabrielle’s eyes immediately searched for me. She rose from the bed, slipping into her robe, and bid my maid a good morning. I cleared my throat and walked from my bath to the small room that contained my clothing. Finally taking in my presence, the young slave assisted Sylla in setting up breakfast on the table.

  We ate our meal in relative quiet and I related my plans for the morning to Gabrielle.

  “I have to meet with my advisors this morning, Gabrielle.” I said, rising from the table to begin dressing. “I will be in my study most of the morning, but if you need me, you are to wait here, you are not to interrupt me. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, My Lord.”

  “Perhaps you should go get dressed yourself, eh?” I touched her cheek as she rose from her chair; she smiled at me, and slipped away quietly.

  I smiled to myself at the surprise that awaited Gabrielle. Suddenly I was worried. What if she didn’t like it? I was almost finished dressing, when I heard the gentle tapping at the entrance that Gabrielle used to my room. I tried to wipe the grin off my face and look innocent.


  Gabrielle rushed into the room and stopped. I had my back to her as I tucked my shirt into my trousers and when I turned, I was greeted by the largest smile Gabrielle ever displayed.

  “Gabrielle, you’re not even dressed yet.” I chided as more of a tease than anything else.

  “My Lord, I--I mean, It’s--I’ve never--”

  “Gabrielle, if you want to be a bard, you’re going to have to be able to finish a complete sentence, you do know that, don’t you?”

  My young slave rushed over to me and dropped to her knees at my feet, taking my hand and pressing her lips to my fingers. I don’t even know if I can describe how I felt at that action

  “Gabrielle, don’t do that.” I admonished the young woman quietly, pulling her prostrate form up to her feet.

  Gabrielle looked up at me and for the first time, she looked up into my eyes, directly into my eyes. It was a powerful moment, this small woman gazing up at me, so forceful in fact, that I backed up half a step at the intensity and the fire that flew at me from her stare. When she stepped forward and reached up on her toes to close the distance between us, that’s when I should have known what was coming. The blonde moved closer, then she kissed me.

  At first, my eyes closed at the pleasurable sensation, then I felt the pressure of her mouth against mine change, and my eyes flew open at the lightning bolt of desire that struck, deep in my groin. Still, Gabrielle did not release my lips, and now her tongue was demanding, and receiving, entrance to my mouth. There was no war for dominance, Gabrielle had all the power, and she was certainly using it. Realizing what the pressure on my upper arms was, I was immediately caught up in a sweeping wave of arousal. Gabrielle had my arms pinned to my sides. Pressing the full length o
f her body against me, I was pushed backwards, until by backside rested against the edge of the table.

  A hundred different emotions attacked my brain and my body at once. The passion and the desire were evident from my moans, as Gabrielle swallowed them up with her own mouth. I was beyond excited at her control over me, yet terrified at the same prospect. She was taking me!

  I finally freed my arms enough to pull away for a much needed breath. That didn’t stop Gabrielle as her lips and tongue found my neck, pulling at the laces of my silk shirt.

  “Gabrielle... Oh, Gods... Gabrielle,” I got her attention, holding her at arms length.

  I took some deep breaths and was almost undone when I looked into her face. “You don’t have to do this.” I said. “That’s not why I gave--”

  The explanation was frozen in my throat as Gabrielle began to softly suck on the skin at my throat, her hand sliding up my body and capturing a very erect nipple within her finger’s grasp.

  “Oh, Gods... ” I groaned.

  My knees instantly turned to liquid at that touch and I had to either sink down, and sit on the table, or slide to the floor. Now that I was sitting, my legs parted and Gabrielle stood between them, her head level with my own. She moved both her hands into my hair and pulled me into another breath stealing kiss.

  “Gabrielle,” I gasped, breaking away for air. “I don’t expect you to repay me for the gift, not this way.”

  Gabrielle slowed the intensity of her assault, but continued to flick her tongue across my lips, trailing kisses along my neck, and teasing my nipples thru the smooth fabric of my shirt. When she spoke, I could scarcely believe this was the woman that I’d been living with for the last cycle of the moon. Were the Gods using some sort of trickery against me?

  “But, My Lord... don’t you enjoy my kiss?” she reached up and captured my lower lip, sucking the flesh gently, placing a small nip to the skin as she pulled away.

  “Oh... ” I moaned.